
Lloyd's Shipping & Trade Law

Delos Shipholding SA and Others v Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty SE and Others [2024] EWHC 719 (Comm); [2024] 1 Lloyd's Rep 489

Marine insurance claim under the Insurance Act 2015

In this case the assured made a claim against the insurers for the vessel's constructive total loss (CTL) which was not itself contested by the insurers who, nevertheless, rejected the claim on the grounds that: (1) the loss was not fortuitous; (2) it fell within a policy exclusion; (3) the assured's unreasonable steps in negotiating the vessel's release broke the chain of causation between its detention and the loss; and (4) the assured had failed to disclose a material fact. The assured also claimed damages under section 13A of the Insurance Act 2015.

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