
Ship Sale and Purchase

Page 391


  • “Accept/except” basis
  • Access to ship's communications system
  • buyer's on-board representatives
  • Additional clauses
  • back-to-back sales
  • cumulative rights and remedies
  • force majeure
  • good faith
  • guarantees
  • intellectual property rights
  • partial invalidity
  • postdelivery trading restrictions
  • third-party rights
  • trademarks
  • trading and green recycling provisions
  • variations
  • waiver
  • Additional flagging documents
  • delivery documents
  • Advance funding arrangements
  • conditional transfers
  • “hold to order” mechanism
  • overview
  • Agreement to buy
  • sale and purchase
  • Agreement to sell
  • sale and purchase
  • Anti-corruption
  • indemnity
  • legislation
  • provisions
  • right to claim damages
  • Anti-money laundering (AML)
  • Shipsale ,
  • Anti-technicality clause
  • deposit
  • Apostille
  • delivery documents
  • Arbitration
  • arbitral tribunal
  • Arbitration Act 1999
  • choice of governing law and
  • Nipponsale 1999
  • Saleform 2011
  • Shipsale ,
  • Singapore Ship Sale Form 2011
  • commencement of
  • expertise of arbitrators
  • resolving disputes by
  • Arbitration Act 1996
  • Arbitration proceedings
  • notices
  • “As-is” rule
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Back-to-back sales
  • generally
  • Banking Days
  • Saleform 2011
  • Bank letters
  • payments
  • Bareboat registration
  • Shipsale ,
  • Bill of sale
  • delivery documents
  • Law And Arbitration Clause 2022
  • SmartCon
  • BIMCO Electronic Signature Clause 2021
  • Shipsale ,
  • BIMCO Law And Arbitration Clause 2020
  • arbitral tribunal
  • Arbitration Act 1999
  • arbitration procedure under Shipsale ,
  • choice of governing law and arbitration
  • Nipponsale 1999
  • Saleform 2011
  • Shipsale ,
  • Singapore Ship Sale Form 2011
  • construction
  • expertise of arbitrators
  • governing law
  • notices
  • resolving disputes
  • by arbitration
  • in court
  • by mediation
  • small and intermediate claims
  • Breach
  • of confidentiality
  • no right to terminate
  • right to damages
  • of warranty
  • Breach date rule
  • seller s’ termination rights
  • Bunkers
  • commercial invoice
  • delivery stage ,
  • joint survey
  • payments
  • price calculation
  • quantity
  • timing of payment
  • Buyer's obligation
  • inspection
  • Buyer's on-board representatives
  • introduction
  • Shipsale
  • access to ship's communications system
  • expense and risk
  • familiarisation
  • health and safety
  • letter of indemnity
  • no interference
  • number of
  • timing
  • Buyer's options upon receipt
  • vessel delay
  • Buyer's own works
  • dry-dock inspection
  • Buyer's rights of attendance
  • dry-dock inspection
  • Cancelling date
  • buyer's options upon receipt
  • consequences of buyer accept
  • definitions and interpretation
  • delivery notices
  • failure to give NOR
  • seller restriction
  • seller's right to propose
  • vessel delay
  • Carbon emissions
  • additional clauses and provisions
  • Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)
  • additional clauses and provisions
  • Certificate of deletion
  • delivery documents
  • Certificate of good standing
  • delivery documents
  • Certificate or transcript of registry
  • delivery documents
  • Certification
  • post-delivery obligations
  • Change of name and funnel markings
  • Nipponsale 1999
  • post-delivery obligations
  • Saleform 2011
  • SSF 2011
  • “Charter free”
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Check-digit
  • IMO number
  • Claims
  • small and intermediate
  • Classification
  • liability
  • ship's society records
  • Classification Society , ,
  • post-delivery obligations
  • Shipsale ,
  • Class maintained
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Class maintenance certificate
  • delivery documents
  • Class notation
  • Shipsale ,
  • Closing agenda
  • delivery
  • Commercial invoice
  • delivery documents
  • Communications
  • notices and
  • Completion
  • delivery
  • participants
  • timing
  • no notice of readiness before
  • Conditional transfers
  • advance funding arrangements
  • Condition of vessel at delivery
  • “as-is” rule
  • “charter free”
  • class maintained
  • disclosure amendment
  • distinguishing between
  • dry-dock
  • fair wear and tear
  • free from arrest, detention or restraint
  • free from charges or encumbrances
  • free from debts whatsoever
  • free from liens
  • free from mortgages and other security interests
  • free of average damage affecting class
  • free of cargo
  • free of stowaways
  • indemnity distinct
  • intermediate term
  • introduction
  • no duty to disclose
  • no duty to report class matters
  • place/range
  • safely afloat
  • seller's indemnity
  • SSF 2011
  • statutory implied terms
  • time of inspection
  • valid certificates
  • warranties ,
  • Confidentiality
  • breach of
  • no right to terminate
  • right to damages
  • clause survives termination
  • documents and information
  • obligations imposed on seller and buyer only
  • permitted disclosures
  • press releases and announcements
  • Consequences
  • total loss of ship
  • Consequences of buyer accepting new cancelling date
  • vessel delay
  • Consequences of buyer terminating sale agreement
  • vessel delay
  • Constructive total loss (CTL)
  • total loss
  • Continuous synopsis record
  • delivery documents
  • Contract formation
  • first basic requirement
  • second basic requirement
  • third basic requirement
  • Costs
  • incurred
  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • health and safety
  • ship sale transactions
  • Credit transfers
  • payments
  • Currency
  • payments
  • Currency of claim
  • buyers
  • Damage affecting ship class
  • dry-dock inspection
  • Damages
  • buyer's right to claim
  • liquidated
  • measure of
  • Declaration of class
  • delivery documents
  • Deduction of bank charges
  • Nipponsale 1999
  • Saleform 2011
  • Shipsale ,
  • Definitions
  • Deliverable condition
  • delivery notices
  • Delivery
  • closing
  • closing agenda
  • completion
  • participants
  • timing
  • documentary closing
  • electronic
  • physical meeting
  • safely afloat
  • Notice of Readiness
  • physical handover of ship
  • pre-delivery meeting
  • pre-delivery steps
  • SGA definition
  • of ship
  • Delivery documents
  • additional flagging documents
  • apostille
  • bill of sale
  • buyer’s
  • certificate of deletion
  • certificate of good standing
  • certificate or transcript of registry
  • class maintenance certificate
  • commercial invoice
  • continuous synopsis record
  • declaration of class
  • evidence of corporate authority
  • exchange of copies, drafts or samples
  • freedom to trade and operate
  • guarantor(s)
  • introduction
  • language
  • legalisation
  • letter to satellite communication provider
  • meaning
  • no grounding letter
  • notarisation
  • power of attorney
  • protocol
  • seller's documents
  • technical documents
  • Delivery notices
  • cancelling date
  • deliverable condition
  • “intention” only
  • introduction
  • itinerary and seller's “intention”
  • overview
  • “physically ready for delivery”
  • satisfaction
  • direct costs for repair work
  • dry-dock inspection
  • earliest date stated
  • place of delivery
  • underwater inspection
  • when and towhom
  • Deposit
  • amount of
  • anti-technicality clause
  • failure to pay
  • fees charged by
  • holder
  • holding agreement
  • interest
  • nominees
  • as part payment
  • payment in full
  • received within three banking days
  • satisfaction before
  • as security
  • sub-sale
  • total loss
  • Deposit account
  • definitions and interpretation
  • Deposit holder
  • Shipsale ,
  • Deposit holding agreement
  • definitions and interpretation
  • Disruptive Banking Event
  • Shipsale ,
  • “Diver's inspection”
  • second-hand ship sale transactions
  • Documentary closing
  • delivery
  • electronic
  • physical meeting
  • safely afloat
  • Shipsale ,
  • Dry-dock inspection
  • buyer negotiate
  • buyer's own works
  • buyer's rights of attendance
  • damage affecting ship class
  • delivery notices
  • introduction
  • location of
  • scope of
  • seller obligation
  • standard of repair
  • tailshaft survey
  • who bears cost
  • Electronic Communications Act 2000 (ECA 2000)
  • Electronic documentary closing
  • delivery
  • Electronic signature
  • definition
  • Electronic Communications Act 2000
  • execution process
  • necessity of clause
  • validity
  • Email notices
  • Shipsale ,
  • Entire agreement
  • exclusion of statutory implied terms
  • false statements
  • fraudulent misrepresentation
  • liability, exclusions and limitations of
  • pre-contractual representations
  • purpose of provision
  • sale and leaseback transactions
  • Sale of Goods Act 1977
  • ship sale transaction
  • statutory implied terms
  • Escrow agreement see Deposit holding agreement
  • Excluded items
  • purchase price
  • Shipsale , ,
  • Exclusion agreements
  • english law and arbitration
  • Exercise of due diligence
  • vessel delay
  • Failure to give notice of readiness
  • Saleform 2011
  • Shipsale ,
  • Singapore Ship Sale Form 2011
  • Failure to lodge deposit
  • deduction of bank charges
  • general
  • seller's right to cancel
  • seller's right to claim deposit amount
  • seller's right to compensation
  • Failure to pay purchase price
  • seller's rights
  • Shipsale ,
  • seller's rights
  • Fair wear and tear
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Familiarisation
  • buyer's on-board representatives
  • Financial closing see Documentary closing
  • Flag registry
  • buyers
  • post-delivery obligations
  • Flag state ,
  • Force majeure
  • generally
  • Fraudulent misrepresentation
  • entire agreement and
  • Freedom to trade and operate
  • delivery documents
  • Free from arrest
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Free from charges
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Free from debts whatsoever
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Free from liens
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Free from mortgages
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Free of average damage affecting class
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Free of cargo
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Free of stowaways
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Frustration, total loss and
  • Shipsale ,
  • Full free of bank charges
  • payments
  • Good faith
  • generally
  • Governing law
  • meaning
  • post-Brexit position
  • Rome Regulation ,
  • Rome Regulation 1I
  • Shipsale ,
  • Grossing-up provision
  • payments
  • Gross tons/net tons (GT/NT)
  • Shipsale ,
  • Guarantees
  • ship sale agreement
  • Guarantors
  • Shipsale , ,
  • Health and safety
  • buyer's on-board representatives
  • Holding agreement
  • deposit
  • “Hold to order” mechanism
  • advance funding arrangements
  • Hong Kong Convention ,
  • IHS Maritime
  • Included items
  • purchase price
  • Shipsale , ,
  • Indemnity
  • Shipsale ,
  • Indemnity distinct
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Inspection ,
  • breakage, damage
  • buyer's discretion
  • buyer's obligation
  • buyer's rights during
  • classification-society-approved diver
  • classification society surveyor determines scope
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • diver's breakage, damage
  • introductions
  • liability of classification societies
  • location of
  • no notice of readiness before completion
  • pay for
  • responsible
  • scope for
  • seller's obligation
  • Shipsale ,
  • buyer
  • buyer's bargaining position
  • effect of acceptance
  • failure to select alternative
  • post-signing
  • pre-signing
  • sale without
  • scope of
  • ship's classification society records
  • three alternatives
  • timing
  • underwater ,
  • underwater parts below
  • underwater regime
  • Intellectual property rights
  • generally
  • Interest
  • deposit
  • sellers
  • Intermediate term
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)
  • International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships (1969)
  • International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
  • bunkers
  • number
  • objectives
  • International Safety Management (ISM)
  • International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS)
  • Joint survey
  • bunkers
  • Know Your Client (KYC) ,
  • Language
  • delivery documents
  • Late delivery of ship
  • sellers
  • Law Reform Act 1943
  • Legalisation
  • delivery documents
  • Legally binding agreement ,
  • Legislation
  • anti-corruption
  • buyer and seller
  • Letter of indemnity
  • buyer's on-board representatives
  • Letter to satellite communication provider
  • delivery documents
  • Liability
  • of classification societies
  • entire agreement
  • Liquidated damages
  • Nipponsale 1999
  • Singapore Ship Sale Form (SSF) 2011
  • LMAA intermediate claims procedure 2021
  • text of sample copy
  • LMAA small claims procedure 2021
  • text of sample copy
  • LMAA Terms and Procedures 2021
  • text of sample copy
  • London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA)
  • arbitral tribunal
  • intermediate claims procedure
  • small claims procedure
  • Made without deduction, set-off or withholding
  • payments
  • Mediation
  • resolving disputes by
  • Memorandum of Agreement
  • Shipsale ,
  • Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) ,
  • effectiveness
  • Shipsale ,
  • Misleading statements
  • entire agreement and
  • Negligence
  • buyer's right to claim compensation
  • Nipponsale 1999 ,
  • buyer's right to claim compensation
  • change of name and funnel markings
  • choice of governing law and arbitration
  • confidentiality obligations
  • electronic signatures clause
  • failure to lodge deposit
  • deduction of bank charges
  • general
  • seller's right to cancel
  • seller's right to claim deposit amount
  • seller's right to compensation
  • failure to pay purchase price
  • seller's rights
  • inspection
  • liquidated damages
  • resolving disputes by arbitration
  • resolving disputes in court
  • text of sample copy
  • total loss
  • vessel delay
  • No duty to disclose
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • No duty to report class matters
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • No grounding letter
  • delivery documents
  • Nomination
  • of substitute buyers
  • Shipsale ,
  • Nominees
  • deposit
  • Non-delivery of ship
  • sellers
  • Non-delivery of spare part
  • sellers
  • NOR see Notice of Readiness (NOR)
  • Notarisation
  • delivery documents
  • Notice
  • arbitration proceedings
  • and communications
  • compliance with provisions
  • deeming provisions
  • details
  • email
  • in English language
  • express requirement to give
  • guarantors
  • presumption of good service
  • Shipsale ,
  • Notice of readiness (NOR) , , ,
  • delivery
  • failure to give
  • Notices
  • Shipsale ,
  • Oils and greases
  • excluded from sale
  • included from sale
  • joint survey
  • payments
  • price calculation
  • timing of payment
  • “Outright and definite”
  • sale
  • Overriding compensatory principle
  • Parallel registration see Bareboat registration
  • Partial invalidity
  • generally
  • Partial loss
  • Shipsale ,
  • Part payment
  • deposit
  • Payments
  • bank letters
  • for bunkers, oils and greases
  • credit transfers
  • currency
  • full free of bank charges
  • grossing-up provision
  • introduction
  • made in immediately available funds
  • made without deduction, set-off or withholding
  • methods
  • mode
  • payable at delivery
  • permitted delays
  • release of deposit
  • release of interest
  • “sellers’ account”
  • taxes, fees and expenses
  • Permitted delays
  • payments
  • Physical closing meeting
  • “Physically ready for delivery”
  • delivery notices
  • Physical meeting
  • documentary closing
  • Physical signature
  • option for
  • Post-delivery
  • certification
  • change of name and funnel markings
  • Classification Society
  • deactivating satellite communications system
  • familiarisation
  • flag matters
  • safety
  • ship insurances
  • Technical Documents
  • third-party agreements
  • Postdelivery trading restrictions
  • generally
  • Power of attorney
  • delivery documents
  • Pre-contractual representations
  • entire agreement and
  • Principle of corporate personality ,
  • Purchase price
  • address commission
  • amount
  • broker claim commission
  • broker s’ commission
  • calculating commission
  • commission be earned
  • deposit
  • documenting commission arrangements
  • excluded items
  • fixed or subject to adjustment
  • included items
  • no privity of contract
  • Shipsale ,
  • S&P brokers entitlement
  • trust relationship
  • Recap message
  • Registrar of Ships
  • Release of deposit
  • payments
  • Release of interest
  • payments
  • Resolving disputes
  • by arbitration
  • in court
  • by mediation
  • Safely afloat
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Sale and leaseback transactions
  • entire agreement and
  • Sale and purchase brokers
  • Sale of Goods Act (SGA) 1979
  • delivery, definition of
  • entire agreement
  • sellers’ termination rights
  • Sanctioned Party
  • definition
  • warranty
  • Sanctioning Authority
  • Sanctions
  • Shipsale ,
  • Sanctions clause
  • Satellite communications system
  • deactivation
  • “Sellers’ account”
  • payments
  • Seller's documents
  • delivery documents
  • Seller's indemnity
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Seller's obligation
  • inspection
  • Seller's right to propose
  • vessel delay
  • Shiplease
  • text of sample copy
  • Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA)
  • Arbitration Rules
  • Single ship company
  • Spare parts and equipment
  • “S&P brokers” see Sale and purchase brokers
  • Standard of repair
  • dry-dock inspection
  • Statutory implied terms
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • entire agreement and
  • Statutory surveys
  • Stores and provisions
  • Subjects
  • contract formation
  • device
  • lifting of
  • deadline
  • failure
  • no “subjects”
  • recap message
  • sale agreement, effective date of
  • in ship sale transactions
  • survival of provisions
  • Subject to contract ,
  • Survival of provisions
  • Tailshaft survey
  • dry-dock inspection
  • Taxes, fees and expenses
  • payments
  • Technical Documents
  • post-delivery obligations
  • Technical documents
  • delivery documents
  • Third-party agreements
  • post-delivery obligations
  • Third-party rights
  • Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
  • exclusion
  • generally
  • Timing of payment
  • oils and greases
  • Total loss
  • consequences
  • constructive
  • defined
  • deposit
  • and frustration
  • meaning
  • Nipponsale 1999
  • partial loss
  • Saleform 2011
  • Shipsale ,
  • Singapore Ship Sale Form 2011
  • Transcript of register
  • Transfer by novation
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Underwater inspection
  • breakage, damage
  • buyer's rights during
  • classification-society-approved diver
  • classification society surveyor determines scope
  • delivery notices
  • diver's breakage, damage
  • location of
  • no notice of readiness before completion
  • pay for
  • responsible
  • scope for
  • timing
  • underwater parts below
  • underwater regime
  • Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
  • Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999
  • Valid certificates
  • condition of vessel at delivery
  • Variations
  • generally
  • Vessel delay
  • buyer's options upon receipt
  • consequences of buyer accepting new cancelling date
  • consequences of buyer terminating sale agreement
  • exercise of due diligence
  • introduction
  • Nipponsale 1999
  • seller anticipates
  • seller exercise
  • seller may give notice
  • seller restriction
  • seller's right to propose
  • Vessel's Flag Registry
  • Warranty
  • acting as principal
  • breach of
  • condition of vessel at delivery ,
  • Sanctioned Party
  • sanctions
  • Shipsale ,
  • Without condition/recommendation

  • Copyright © 2024 Maritime Insights & Intelligence Limited. Maritime Insights & Intelligence Limited is registered in England and Wales with company number 13831625 and address 5th Floor, 10 St Bride Street, London, EC4A 4AD, United Kingdom. Lloyd's List Intelligence is a trading name of Maritime Insights & Intelligence Limited.

    Lloyd's is the registered trademark of the Society Incorporated by the Lloyd's Act 1871 by the name of Lloyd's.