
Knock-For-Knock Indemnities and the Law

Page 182


Statutory liability regulation versus contractual risk allocation in upstream oil and gas

Kristoffer Svendsen

1 Introduction

This chapter looks at the interaction between the statutory regulation of liability for damage or loss caused by petroleum spills from offshore installations, as set forth in of the Norwegian Petroleum Act,1 and allocation of risk in oil and gas contracts achieved through the use of knock-for-knock clauses. The chapter first sets forth the liability regime under , then examines the contractual allocation of risk in model oil and gas contracts used on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), before determining the validity of said clauses and its effects when interacting with liability. It is important to remember, however, that knock-for-knock clauses cover many more situations than just possible pollution damage. In other words, situations arising under of the Petroleum Act are only a part of what these risk allocation clauses cover.

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