EU Shipping Law
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A. Introduction
39.001 This chapter deals with two separate but related topics: navigation and short sea shipping.Navigation
39.002 At one level, it is extraordinary that the European Union (“EU”) has become involved in navigational issues. One would expect that those issues would be left to organisations such as the International Maritime Organization (“IMO”) which are specialist maritime organisations. Yet, it is really impossible for the EU not to deal with navigational issues given the cross-over between navigation and various issues which are readily dealt with by the EU such as safety, pilotage, the environment and marine equipment. However, it is notable that the measures which relate to navigation are largely (but not entirely) recommendations and therefore not legally binding in their own right. This chapter deals with various measures which have been adopted by the EU in regard to navigation, including, Decision 92/143 of 25 February 1992 on radionavigation systems for Europe,1 Decision 2004/71 on essential requirements relating to marine radio communication equipment which is intended to be used on non-International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (“SOLAS”) vessels and to participate in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (“GMDSS”).2Short sea shipping
39.003 Short sea shipping,3 as its name suggests, is the concept of maritime transport over short distances – near shipping in other words.4 It is also referred to as coastal shippingPage 1555
B. Council Decision 92/143 on radionavigation systems for Europe
39.004 On 25 February 1992, the Council adopted Decision 92/143 of on radionavigation systems for Europe.6Legal background to the decision
39.005 The legal basis for the decision was Article 84(2) of the then European Economic Treaty (“EEC”) Treaty which is equivalent now to Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (“TFEU”). The legislative history included a proposal from the Commission,7 an opinion of the European Parliament8 as well as an opinion of the EESC.9Factual background to the decision
39.006 The background to Decision 92/143 is clear from the recitals to the decision which state in part: