
Lloyd's Law Reports


[1972] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 413


Before Lord Reid, Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest, Lord Pearson, Lord Simon of Glaisdale and Lord Salmon

Limitation of action - Asbestosis - Claim by mill worker against employer for causing asbestosis - Whether action statute-barred - Actual or constructive knowledge of "material facts" of "decisive character" - Knowledge by workman that employers had failed to take reasonable care to prevent excess of asbestos dust which had caused disease - No knowledge by employee that, in law, those facts afforded him a good cause of action - Asbestos Industry Regulations, 1931 - Limitation Act, 1963, sect. 1 (3), 7 (3), (4), (8).1 Practice - Whether Court should look at Committee Reports when construing Act of Parliament.

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