
Lloyd's Law Reports


(1937) 58 Ll.L.Rep. 147


Before Sir Boyd Merriman (President), sitting with Captain A. H. Ryley and Captain R. L. F. Hubbard, Elder Brethren of Trinity House.

Collision between steamship Alder and steamship Lady Cavan in Lough Carlingford in fog-Alder at anchor; Lady Cavan proceeding up Lough- Alder, lying athwart course of Lady Cavan, exhibiting misleading lights (in addition to her anchor light she was still exhibiting her masthead and stern lights)-Lady Cavan's case that anchor light and masthead light of Alder first came into view about two points on port bow, leading to impression that lights belonged to a vessel heading towards her; that the loom of another light (in fact, the stern light of the Alder) suddenly came into view half a point on the port bow, and that immediately port helm action was taken by the Lady Cavan with the intention of passing between the lights, followed upon discovery of true position by hard-a-starboard helm and reversing of engines-Alder sunk with loss of six lives-Speed of Lady Cavan-Evidence of engine movements -Discrepancies in scrap log-Missing page - Look-out - Visibility-Whether Alder sounding her bell.

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