
Personal Injury Compensation

Requested withdrawal of admission after the change of view by expert at inquest

Somoye v North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EWHC 191 (KB)
Online Published Date:  20 March 2023

Duty owed by drivers when emerging from minor roads

Taylor v Raspin [2022] EWCA Civ 1613
Online Published Date:  20 March 2023

Alleged negligence in general practice

Graham (A Child) v Altaf [2023] EWHC 156 (KB)
Online Published Date:  20 March 2023

Use of guidelines in clinical negligence cases

O'Brien (Administratrix of the Estate of Mr Berry (Deceased)) v Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Trust [2022] EWHC 2735 (KB)
Online Published Date:  20 March 2023

Recent Court of Protection cases

A Local Authority v H [2023] EWCOP 4
Online Published Date:  20 March 2023

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