
Arbitration Law Monthly

Anti-suit injunctions: scope of arbitration clause

The judgment of S Mohan J in the Singapore High Court in COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers Ltd v PT OKI Pulp & Paper Mills [2024] SGHC 92 contains a valuable analysis of the approach to be adopted in determining whether an arbitration clause covers a claim in tort.
Online Published Date:  26 June 2024
Appeared in issue:  Vol 24 No 6 - 26 June 2024

Arbitration and third parties: The Prestige again

The events giving rise to London Steam-Ship Owners' Mutual Insurance Association Ltd v Kingdom of Spain (The Prestige) [2023] EWHC 2473 (Comm); [2024] 1 Lloyd's Rep 199 have come before arbitrators, the English courts, the Spanish courts and even the Court of Justice of the European Union on a series of occasions. There is more to come.
Online Published Date:  26 June 2024
Appeared in issue:  Vol 24 No 6 - 26 June 2024

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